Friday, September 25, 2009

over the edge

a dissertation entitled:

"For the Sake of Women, Too":
Ethics and Gender in the Narratives of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya

was successfully defended and signed off on at 3pm today, as you can see.

(please forgive the brevity of this post. i'm fresh out of words at the moment!)


myrna elena said...

SADHU,SADHU, regocijo en lo profundo de mi corazon por ese logro maravilloso, y que sé que es por el beneficio de TODOS los seres sintientes...¡ENHORABUENA! mi querida Damcho...nos vemos en India!
Myrna Elena

Damchoe Wongmo said...

That's wonderful! Congratulations, Dr. Damcho, on all your hard work.

ntoledo said...

Estamos tus amigas y hermanas, celebrando con mucho regocijo, el exito de la defensa de tu tesis.

Un tropicalísimo abrazo, Nelly

Unknown said...

Me alegro mucho que hayas terminado algo tan importante, muchas felicidades. Roxana

Mari said...

Congratulations, Damchö! for what you have successfully produced, submitted, and defended. Now you have definitely deserved some time of not having to put anything into words... Warmly, Mari

Nksagar said...

Great soul to talk