the house i am occupying in north india, in kangra valley, is now home to three nuns from three different buddhist traditions:
- myong-do sunim, a korean nun now doing a 100-day retreat (and whose haunting chanting of the name of the buddha of compassion now fills the air of this autumn afternoon). it was myong-do sunim who found this house in the first place, a house whose three other vacant rooms nangpel, alicia and i were all too happy to make use of;

- my friend, sister metta, who is ordained in the theravada thai forest tradition, and normally resides in the amaravati monastic community in england. she will be with me for the month of november, and i have been finding it deeply inspiring to share the monastic life with her here even for this short time in our improvised 'nunnery', and to learn of life in her nuns' community; and
me in my tibetan robes.

here are three photos, all taken on our roof, each to various degrees featuring the cherry trees that are now puzzling us by bursting into bloom in november. perhaps this is the time here.
Hello Venerable Damcho!
It's so great to find your blog here on my screen tonight in Omaha, Nebraska...I will try to keep up with you now through this. It's Kathy-turned-nun, Lhundrub Tendron. Give my best to Ven. Flora too! Stay well and keep writing so we can all keep connected!
Thanks so much!
Hola querida Damchö.
Hola dear Tendron.
Patricio, de México.
Limitless Metta for all of you, dear friends! May your activities benefit skyes of beings (spanish speaking, and all the rest too!)
hello to you both and thanks for your comments! i cannot tell when you posted (it just indicates a time of day, and since today for the first time in months i am checking back in, it seems tooo much of a coincidence that this is the same day you also commented (!?!)
now i guess i really should try to update this a bit more often! will do my best.
had a lovely reunion with ani jampa la on bodhgaya a few days back, and hope to see more of her soon.
would like to her more about the transformation of kathy into tendron!? very best wishes to you! where are you living? how are you spending your monastic life?
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